Six Word Story's

1 - Happiness is being with happy people.

2 - Good for you keep at it.

3- Childhood memories - Fun and laughter that's my childhood

My childhood consisted of fun, laughter. - Mitch

4 -What did you do this weekend - Dance practice and fun with friends.

5 - The ruined party - awful, wrong, not meant to happen

6 - The lonely boy - isolated, in a world with no one

- isolated from the world, for a reason

7 - When animals attack - Funny to see, until they strike

8 - The uninvited guest - Awkward to be around please go

- he was in my house, cant escape

9- A message from someone you have not seen in years... why have you been gone so long

- I received the message, my life changed


In My Mind
Going Insane
A Bright sunny Day
Shes needs help quick or it will get worse 
Shes trying to live her life like nothings happening
The final straw, shes snapped the voices have took over
Her friends find out, she gets help and try's to resolve everything shes ruined

The Days

Friendship, laughter , innocence and joy the perfect childhood.  The fun and games the falling outs and the best mates. How I miss those days without drama without fights or dramatic breakups. Its almost as if our childhoods were unrealistic and imaginary. The age of 12 Is when it all changes when secondary school kicks in no more running around or stickers on charts just detentions and messing around. with the constant reminders from teachers that we aren’t children anymore. Images that you create stays with you for five years it influences you it changes you ! impressions are important. - Anya
home, school, parks, other friends houses - Lewis

Mr Bassat was possibly the worst person on the planet. I hated him. His yellow teeth still haunt me to this day. His clothes were loose and ill fitting. His tie had about 100 different coffee stains, never washed in my entire time there. His hairline climbed further on his head than any middle aged man I'd ever seen. The grease formed a small droplet on the back of his slicked back locks. The stench crept out the back of his neck into the atmosphere around hsazaim. It was grim.